Positive Decorative Wooden Sign

*** Note: This blog was written by our former Content Specialist Sammantha Rials.

Recently, we touched on four ways to create a positive mindset from our former Director of Mental Health Danielle Dione and former Director of Public Relations Jane Smith’s Friday Focus Facebook Live. 

Keep reading to learn about the other four ways to create a positive mindset! 

1. Become more aware of how you feel and think

Every day, make a conscious effort to get in touch with how you truly think and feel. As simple as this may sound, getting in tune with your thoughts and feelings can transform the way you respond to situations. The way we think deeply impacts the way that we feel. For instance, if we begin to think that we are worthy of good things, then we are likely to allow for good things to come to us without doubting whether or not we deserve them. Also, as Danielle said, thoughts and feelings are not facts but our behaviors are. Try, every day, to replace negative thoughts and feelings with positive thoughts and feelings. Instead of saying “there is no way this will work out”, maybe try to say “I am excited about this opportunity”. This way, you are looking at the situation in a way that allows for wonderful things to happen.

After all, becoming in touch with your thoughts and feelings can help not only you but also your loved ones. An article by Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. from Psychology Today explains this saying, “Being in touch with your feelings will make you a better person, as well as a better parent and partner”.

2. Surround yourself with positive/uplifting people 

As affected as we are by our own emotions, we are also affected by those we surround ourselves with. This is why it is extremely important to choose wisely when deciding who to let into your inner circle. The people we surround ourselves with can greatly change the way we see situations. When we are going through a stressful time, those around us are who we lean on and look to for support. We need to make sure that our friends and loved ones speak kindly to us and have our best interests at heart. Being around positive people can influence the way you feel about yourself, your capabilities, and the world itself. Therefore, the people you spend the most time with are a big determining factor in how positive you feel in your day-to-day life.

Psychologist, Dr. Nikki Martinez says, “Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage your happiness and development, as opposed to trying to sabotage it”.

Make a Request / Have a Difficult Conversation

Sometimes it can be hard to voice your needs or wants. However, in doing so, we can liberate ourselves. A wonderful way to create a more positive mindset is to make requests and or have difficult conversations with those around you. This way, you are advocating for yourself and speaking your truth. During the Facebook Live, Jane spoke about how taking her mother’s advice about asking her husband for something she really wanted, a hug, improved their relationship. Simply communicating and asking her husband for a hug was able to shift the way Jane felt about her relationship with her partner. So, next time you are feeling upset about a current situation with a friend or loved one, consider trying to sit down and tell them how you feel. As scary and daunting as it may be, communicating about how you feel and what you need from those in your life allows you to advocate for yourself and feel more positive about the outcome!

If you are struggling to approach a difficult conversation, Dr. Christina Hibbert recommends being as clear as possible, “Stating clearly what you need is crucial to actually getting it. The more specific you are, the better”.

4. Take Responsibility for something / shift a habit

As humans, it can be difficult to change our thought patterns and behaviors. However, we can take steps to eradicate negative habits in our life. A negative habit could even be a negative thought pattern such as “I am not good enough” or “I cannot do this task”. On the other hand, it could also be consistently waking up late and feeling that you have wasted your day. To shift this, one may decide to set an alarm each day, and work on waking up to do a task such as exercising or cooking a breakfast.

Teri Goetz MS, LAC, ACC from Psychology Today recommends removing triggers, visualizing yourself changing, taking baby steps, monitoring your negative self-talk, and accepting that it will take time when working towards changing unhealthy habits.

Similarly, it is also possible to increase your positivity through taking responsivility for something in your life. Danielle gave the example of taking responsibility to ask for help in a situation where you are struggling. Maybe your job has been overwhelming you but you are anxious to ask your colleague or supervisor for help. In this situation, asking for help and assuming that responsibility could increase your confidence in communicating.

We hope that these ideas give you some insight into ways that you can gain a more positive outlook! At Peace360 Initiative, we value mental health and wellbeing and are dedicated to helping all humans feel their best. As we share these ideas and concepts with you, please feel free to comment what you think and feel about these topics. If you have tried to or do incorporate these ideas in your life, please let us know how they are working for you!


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Goldsmith PhD, Barton. (4 November, 2013). Don’t Bury Your Feelings. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201311/dont-bury-your-feelings

Martinez, Nikki. (29 July, 2020). How to Surround Yourself with Positive People. EverdayPower. https://everydaypower.com/surround-yourself-with-positive-people/

Dr. Christine Hibbert. (17 May, 2013). How to Get Your Needs Met: 4 Tips on Asking & Recieving. Psychology Today. https://www.drchristinahibbert.com/how-to-get-your-needs-met-4-tips-on-asking-and-receiving/

Goetz, Teri. (14 July, 2016). How to Change Unhealthy Habits. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/renaissance-woman/201607/how-change-unhealthy-habits


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