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Art of Conflict Transformation

05/29/2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CDT

Poster for Art of Conflict Transformation event
We invite you all to “Art of Conflict Transformation” speaker series.
In Peace360 Initiative, we believe “conflict is inevitable, but ability to handle the conflict makes a difference and bring peace to all”.
Join with us on zoom & facebook live, to LISTEN and LEARN about grass-root approaches on conflict transformation to bring authentic reconciliation in every community.
Send your questions to anjukotwani@peace360initiative.org
Our Speakers
Dr. Brittany Foutz, Advisory Council, Peace360 Initiative Inc.
Dr. Jared O. Bell, Advisory Council, Peace360 Initiative Inc.
Dr. Evan Hoffman, Conflict Resolution Scholar – Practitioner.
Dr. Jean-marc Akakpo, Board of Directors, Peace360 Initiative Inc.
Moderator – Anju Kotwani, General Secretary, Peace360 Initiative Inc.
Biography’s of the Panelists.
Dr. Brittany Foutz is a Faculty member of the Department of Conflict Analysis and DisputeResolution at Salisbury University. She teaches International Law and various United Nations courses with the Salisbury University Department of Political Science and the Honors College. In addition, she has been recently awarded an Honors College Faculty Fellowship. She serves as the Faculty Advisor for Salisbury University’s Model United Nations, the United Nations Millennium Fellowship, and the United Nations Association Chapter. At the university, Dr. Foutz is a Fulton School of Liberal Arts Remote Teaching Specialist. Dr. Foutz is, also, a Senior Research Fellow and Trained Mediator at the Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution in Salisbury, Maryland. Dr. Foutz’s research interests include international law, transitional justice, reparations, the InternationalCriminal Court, and human rights and the rule of law. Her dissertation addresses how the implementation and use of reparation mechanisms affects the satisfaction of child soldier and sexual violence victims of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the world’s court.
Dr. Foutz is the Co-Director of Salisbury Regional Centre of Expertise, a location acknowledged by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and United Nations University. This United Nations location focuses on conflict prevention and creative problem-solving. Dr. Foutz has been elected to be on the United Nations Americas Governance Committee and United Nations Americas Strategic Planning Support Committee, and Leader of the United Nations Americas Task Force on Education.
She serves as a formal consultant for the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries, the United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise Global Network, and the United States Institute of Peace Africa Program. Furthermore, she has fluency in six languages and has received over a million dollars in grants.
Dr. Foutz has her Ph.D. in International Conflict Management from Kennesaw StateUniversity’s School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development. Herdissertation is entitled “Victim Satisfaction with Reparations from the International Criminal Court: An Examination of Child Soldier Cases from Kenya and Sexual Violence Cases from the Democratic Republic of Congo” and is currently a manuscript in publication with Oxford University Press.
While working on her Ph.D., She received an M.A. in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution from Salisbury University. She also worked at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Dr. Jared O. Bell is a post-conflict development expert with technical focuses on justice, human rights, and reconciliation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Duquesne University in International Relations, a Master of Science Degree from the University of Baltimore in Negotiation and Conflict Management, and a PhD from Nova Southeastern University in Conflict Analysis and Resolution with a focus in International Peace and Conflict. Dr. Bell is currently based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina where he works in USAID’s Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Democracy Office where he serves as a Democracy and Governance Advisor. He has also worked on various human rights, peace building, and development projects with a variety of organizations such as Peace Direct, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Human Rights Council, as well as, the American Red Cross and the Maryland Office of Refugees and Asylees. Jared has also taught, presented, and lectured across the globe in such places as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, UK, France, Poland, The Gambia, as well as the United States. A prolific writer, Jared has published numerous articles on human rights, transitional, reconciliation and peace building, and is the author of the book “Frozen Justice: Lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Failed Transitional Justice Strategy” published with Vernon Press in 2018. In addition to his formal education, Jared has also studied and received professional training at the University of Leiden’s Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies’ Summer School for Human Rights and Transitional Justice, the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights studies, the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization’s Venice Academy of Human Rights, the Universities of Groningen and
Rijeka’s Cres Summer on “Transitional Justice and the Politics of Memory”, and Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco.
Evan Hoffman holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Canterbury (New Zealand). Evan has published numerous articles on the themes of conflict prevention and resolution, peacebuilding, and mediation. He has provided consulting services to Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Carter Center, the UN, the EU, the Ottawa Police Service, St. Lawrence College (Cornwall), the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice and others on these topics. Over the last fifteen years, he’s conducted workshops and trainings with hundreds of community leaders, university students, police officers, and government officials from around the world. His books include The Mediator’s Handbook for Durable Peace (CIIAN, 2010) and International Mediation in a Fragile World, co-edited with David Carment (Routledge, 2017).
African-European Born and Raised; European and American Educated, Jean-Marc Akakpo has a Doctorate in Political Science and in International Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development. He is a Professor at Kennesaw State University. He is also Human Rights and International Affairs Professional and has Masters’ degrees in Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science, and has published articles on European Union climate policies, economic development in Africa and water scarcity and conflict on the Nile River. Jean-Marc is a Representative/Member at International-Lawyers.Org (INTLawyers) at the United Nations and a member of the Roundtable on Peace and Health (Mali) at The Carter Center.
Jean-Marc has experience working as a consultant for several United Nations Development Program projects. He also worked for the European Union on the Technical Assistance Program for Communication and Information on Environmental Protection in West Africa. In 2018, he spent his summer working with the local government in Durban, South Africa. In 2019, he was appointed as an external scholar to the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in Accra, Ghana. While in Durban and Accra, Jean-Marc taught courses on the impact of international financial organizations and international conflict resolution theories. Jean-Marc is certified with the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), USA. He speaks several languages including French, German, Ewe and English.
Anju Kotwani holds a Master’s degree in HRM. She has experience in teaching undergraduate courses in Human Resource Management. She has over 5 years of experience handling Training & Development function in companies like Cognizant and Apex Knowledge Technology. She has been an academic consultant with AWS Research. For past few years she has been volunteering for a spiritual organization learning spiritual science and teaching it to others. She has also volunteered for IRS and Girls Scout in the past.


10:00 am - 11:30 am CDT
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