we believe in making a difference to help the community
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*** Note: This blog was written by our former Content Specialist Andrew Sande.

Welcome to our blog posts. You found us! We’re so happy to have you here.

Now, just like your grade school first-day icebreakers, it’s time for you to get to know us! Here are 5 things we want you to know about the Peace 360 Initiative.

First, the name Peace 360 Initiative is cemented off our core beliefs.

Peace is a primary need of all humans, something which without it we can’t survive.

360 refers to peace being a need that stretches across the globe. Peace is something that we learn to build within ourselves, but it’s our responsibility to spread it across the world.

Initiative means this is just the beginning. Finding peace for all of those who seek it won’t be an easy task, but by laying the groundwork ourselves we can help lead the way.

Second, Peace 360 Initiative is a non-profit organization founded on five pillars of beliefs.

1. No health without mental health.

2. Conflicts are a threat to the human world.

3. Community engagement is crucial for coexistence.

4. We all have a social responsibility.

5. Our world is endangered with disasters.

Third, Peace should serve as one of the biggest motivators in our day-to-day life.

Whether you’re a full-time student or working just to make it through it can go without saying we all enjoy a peaceful day. Getting off work on time, making it through your classes without any hiccups, or just getting through your day and everything just feels right by the end. Peace can find us all and make our days better.

Living a life that lacks inner peace is often stressful, difficult, and overwhelming. Chris Rajah, our founder, describes peace as something we all need as humans, that without it we will not survive. The mission of P3I is to find peace for all, no matter the circumstances that are faced.

Fourth, Peace should be able to carry from one generation to the next.

It starts with us.

Our goal is to create peace in this generation and many generations to come.

It’s our duty to lay the groundwork and stepping stones for the next generation in their peace endeavors. The passion everyone carries within this organization will be reflected by the work put into this peace project. It’s going to be difficult, it’s going to take a lot of work, but it’s all going to be worth it.

Fifth, this is a worldwide initiative.

Peace to the Middle East, Peace to the United States, Peace to the streets of the smallest town in Cameroon. Peace starts with us, so it’s up to us to spread this mission around the globe.


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