*** Note: This blog was written by our former Content Specialist Sammantha Rials.
August is National Wellness Month! We wanted to take some time to talk about ways to destress and stay calm.
There are many forms of self-care and de-stressing, these are just some ideas that we came up with. Always listen to yourself and what makes you feel best.
- Read or listen to a book
According to Northcentral University, “If you are looking for ways to improve your memory and concentration and also relieve stress, reading will help”. Reading a book allows you to focus on something external and possibly escape into another world.
If reading a physical book does not work for you, then listening to a book is another wonderful option. For those who like to multi-task, listening to an audiobook and doing puzzles or other tasks can also prove relaxing.

2. Take a hot/cold bath
Self-care comes in many different forms. Taking a hot bath boasts many benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving sleep, regulating insulin, and possibly lowering blood pressure. If you prefer a cold bath, benefits can include improved lung function, skin purification, and a decrease in arthritic pain.
For some extra relaxation, consider using essential oils, bath salts, or a bath bomb. You can also add sliced-up fruits and flower petals to your bath to lighten the mood and add some color.
3. Make yourself a meal you love
Cooking can be extremely calming. An article from the Huffington Post entitled “Why Cooking Is the Ultimate Stress Reliever” talks about cooking’s effect on mental health. When you cook, you get in touch with your senses, which serves as a grounding technique. Smelling and tasting the different ingredients can serve as a powerful way to hone in on your senses and immerse yourself in tasks.

4. Spend time in nature
Getting outside and doing something you enjoy can be immensely therapeutic. If you live near the ocean, going to the beach and simply being near the water can make you feel calmer. Marine Biologist, Wallace J Nichols, writes about this in his book, Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do. A review from Current Biology explains Nichols’ ideas, “If you’re suffering from chronic stress and don’t have the power to redesign your city nor the courage to take up skydiving, what can you do about it? Wallace J. Nichols recommends going wherever you can find water”.
If you are not local to an ocean or body of water, going on a walk or hike is also extremely helpful in boosting your mood and keeping you calm.

Thank you for reading this post! Please let us know what you do to keep calm and cultivate wellness in the comments below!
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